So, it's Christmas Day and the audio box set of missing Doctor Who adventures lays amid the tattered remains of the wrapping paper on my floor. This marks my nearly complete collection of William Hartnell episodes.
I have been collecting Doctor Who DVD's now for the best part of four years, and I have been a fan of the show since 1984. I would have been a fan earlier, but to be honest, I couldn't comprehend much before then! In fact, one of my first childhood memories was sitting down to watch the Five Doctors on Children in Need where I was both promptly terrified and in awe of the Cybermen and the Raston Warrior Robot.
Needless to say, I've followed the show to its current incarnation, and always thought of this day when the collection is getting to a stage of near completion. As many have pointed out. there comes a time when it WILL be complete and to quote responses I get...."then what?"
Those two words stopped me in my tracks, and made me think of all the times I've waited days on end for the packages to drop through my letterbox for a brand new adventure in time and space to whisk me away from the mundane.
"Then what"'s a sobering thought, and one that's brought us here, my friends.
Looking at my shiny new CD's in front of me, I had an epiphany, lost my marbles and the doors of the fourth dimension were open to me in one brilliant, daunting and crazy idea. It's an idea that I'm sure every fan of Doctor Who has thought of at some point, and then dismissed as pure lunacy.
Then what..."well, I'm going to watch them all in order, of course!"
So, dear reader. My intention is to watch fifty years of time and space unfold before me in sequential order. I decided that if I am to do this, I will do it in style and write about my feelings on the stories, and perhaps even make some companions of my own if you decide to step through that dimensionally transcendental doorway and come along for the ride!
Whether you're a veteran of the Hartnell years, or know only the tenth and eleventh incarnations, I hope that there will be something in this blog for everyone. I will try to upload a new story each week and if you're in the same time quadrant, why not stop by and share your memories of these episodes?
So, put on your extra long scarf, don your hat, make sure your jelly babies and sonic screwdriver is at the ready and hold on tight, this is going to be fun!
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