Four episodes
Aired between 27th January 1973 and 17th February 1973
Written by Robert Holmes
Produced by Barry Letts
Directed by Barry Letts
Two travelling interstellar vaudeville entertainers arrive on a planet called Inter Minor. The showman called Vorg is getting an ear bashing off of his showgirl: Shirna for the false promises he gave her about travelling first class and being in the lap of luxury, you can hardly blame her when they're bungled out the luggage hold with a bunch of storage crates!
Still, their arrival is somewhat expected, as a select group of beings from the ruling class of Inter Minor arrive to "inspect" the new arrivals. It becomes apparent, that their planet has been in a period of isolation for a loooooong time and they now view anything that is alien as unnecessary and thus deal with it with some contempt. The group consisting of Kalik, Orum and Pletrac speak to Vorg and Shirna and discover that they have brought "entertainment" to Inter Minor - a very foreign concept to the straight laced race of aliens.
The tribunal quickly appraise the showman and decide that he and Shirna cannot be allowed to enter the planet.
Elsewhere, the Doctor has decided to take Jo with him on his inaugural trip in the TARDIS now that it's free of the Time Lord's grip. He intends to take her to a planet called Metabilis III, a beautiful world with brilliant blue skies. When they step out of the door however, the Doctor is confused to find that they're in a small dark room full of crates marked Singapore and carry a pen full of chickens. Jo kids with him that he's rubbish at flying the TARDIS and suggests that they haven't left Earth. The Doctor however is convinced that they have and is most curious to find out what's going on.
The Doctor and Jo sneak out of the room and it's not long before they discover they're on a ship in the 1920's, The Doctor is growing very concerned as he's sure they aren't on Earth
The pair are forced to hide when the ships legitimate passengers: Major Daily and his daughter Claire enter the room, accompanied by a ships officer called Andrews. They are indeed dressed in 1920's attire. As the Doctor and Jo observe them, a sudden crash from the waves reveals a Plesiosaurus that attacks the ship.
Andrews rushes off to get a rifle whilst a terrified Claire stays with Major Daley.
Confirming his suspicions that things aren't right, the Doctor and Jo try to sneak away, but they're discovered just as the dinosaur slips back into the ocean.
They are considered stowaways by Andrews and are taken below deck. On the way to the quarters, Jo spots a strange hexagonal metal plate on the floor. The Doctor knows it's not an Earth metal, but Andrews and his men can't see anything there at all and consider them stalling for time.
The pair are locked in the Captains quarters until the Captain can see them (which maybe some time).
Whilst there, they see that the ship is the SS Bernice. A calendar in one of the quarters indicates they're in 1926. Jo is confused as to what's going on and the Doctor explains that the SS Bernice is another ship that disappeared mysteriously around the date marked on the calendar. In addition, the clock seems to have moved back a few hours compared to the time when they were sneaking around. They decide the best thing to do is to lift the hexagonal plate and see what's under it. To do that though, the Doctor needs to fetch his magnetic core extractor from the TARDIS.
Jo gets out of the room with her lockpicks (because the sonic screwdriver can't do it).
They make their way back to the TARDIS, discovering on the way that Andrews, Claire and Major Daley have all forgotten what's happened and are even repeating the same actions / words that they did when the Doctor first met them.
Back on Inter Minor, Shirna notices that a piece of equipment is blocking up the equipment in their entertainment machine - the Miniscope. Vorg reaches in to clear the blockage.
As they get back to the TARDIS, the Doctor retrieves the extractor and Jo begins to scream. The Doctor rushes out of the TARDIS, just in time to see a giant hand reach down and lift the TARDIS from the storage hold!
Vorg is puzzled about it and dismisses it as a bit of "bric-a-brac", putting it back inside. The Inter Minor aliens don't know what a miniscope is, so Vorg shows them and assures them it's harmless, going further to explain that they're just entertainers that use a miniscope for the fun of all. it's a machine that takes living beings and shrinks them down to miniature size.
Vorg as an impressive collection of beings inside the scope including Cybermen, Ogrons, Tellurians (humans to us) and a terrifying race of giant worms known as Drashigs. Each of the creatures live in separate miniature habitats. Once they're inside the Miniscope, Vorg can even control said creatures emotions (except the Drashigs because their brains are just too primitive). Vorg gives Pletrac a tape explaining that "Zarb" said they'd be welcomed on Inter Minor. Pletrac goes off to validate that "President Zarb" is in agreement. Once out of earshot, Shirna scolds Vorg for using an old tape of a guy coincidentally called Zarb to bluff their way in.
Back inside the scope, the Doctor and Jo have little choice but to go back into the ship and find the hexagonal plate. On their way, they're captured again by Andrews, but instead of arresting them, Andrews decides to give the Doctor a good hiding (suspiciously at the same time that Vorg turns the aggression dial up)! The Doctor is more than willing to take Andrews on in a bit of fisty cuffs and warns him that he learnt a few tricks from John L. Sullivan himself.
Andrews persists and within a couple of shouts of "hai" the Doctor has bested the Officer. The Doctor and Jo rush off and Andrews gives chase, firing his rifle at them. They run around the ship for a bit and ultimately, the Doctor and Jo are caught trying to get the plate up. Luckily for them, Vorg turns the dial back again and everyone lowers their weapons and wander off for afternoon tea.
Left alone, the Doctor uses the Magnetic Core Extractor to lift the plate and they can see inside a huge room of machinery that the Doctor describes as like the inside of a wristwatch.
Back on Inter Minor, Pletrac returns and confirms that the tape is false. He is mortified to find that the miniscope contains aliens inside it. The Tribunal debate on the issue however as President Zarb has publicly stated that the slave race on Inter Minor known as the functionaries are increasingly disobeying orders and "misbehaving" because they are bored. Zarb thinks that entertainment could prove the answer. It just so happens that Kalik is Zarb's brother and is jealous. On a turn up for the books though, Pletrac, a supporter of President Zarb thinks that the miniscope should be destroyed, whereas Kalik thinks it should be investigated more. He of course has a cunning plan up his sleeve.
Despite this, Pletrac wins and an eradicator gun is called for, much to Vorg's protests.
All is not lost however, because even though a detachment of functionaries fires the erradiactor at the miniscope, it does nothing but heat up the insides a bit (much to the specimen's dismay). The Tribunal are shocked that their best weapon hasn't destroyed it, and warn that this could be an enemy weapon. It's confirmed that their gun only works on "organic matter". They order the machine searched for enemy transmitters and pull the TARDIS out once again. Shortly after the TARDIS has been removed from the machine, it grows until the police box is at its usual height. The appearance of the TARDIS makes the tribunal even more nervous. Vorg does his best to assure them they're in no danger.
Back inside the scope, the Doctor and Jo have been wandering through it's circuity. The pair eventually find another habitat, marshland. They explore the place for a bit and suddenly see a monstrous Drashig burst out of the swamp between them and the hole from which they came.
The Doctor wants to flee, but Jo is stuck in the swamp.
The Doctor, thinking quickly uses his sonic screwdriver to ignite the pockets of marsh gas around the Drashig and damages it but not enough to destroy it or it's other two friends that have just turned up.
Outside the miniscope, Vorg, Shirna and the Tribunal watch in horror as the Drashig advances. Shirna pleads with Vorg to put his hand in and stop the Drashigs, something he really doesn't want to do until he's press ganged into it. Like a hand of God, Vorg's hand holds back the Drashigs whilst the Doctor and Jo race back into the workings of the machine.
Once inside, the Doctor confirms that they're in a miniscope. The Doctor knows of them well because he successfully petitioned the Time Lords to get them banned. He intends to get out and punish those operating it. He and Jo wander around a little bit more and eventually find a shaft that leads to the bottom of the machine. they can use it to get out.
They just need a rope. Out of necessity, they return to the SS Bernice. Once on the ship, they encounter Andrews, Claire and Major Daley going through the same scene once more and Jo is captured this time. As predicted, Andrews cannot remember any of the other times before and leads her to the Captain's quarters.
As they're messing about there, Vorg and Shirna notice that the Drashig's break through the hatch the Doctor and Jo escaped from, releasing them into the circuitry. Vorg is getting worried because he knows that the Drashigs will follow a scent to the end of time if there's a meal at the end of it.
When Kalik overhears them, he begins to finalise his plan to oust his brother as President. He confides with Orum that he intends to let the Drashigs escape and cause absolute chaos around the Inter Minor spaceport by sabotaging the erradicator gun.
Then, he will replace a stolen component in the gun at the key moment, shoot the Drashigs and save the day. This will show that his brother's policies of opening up their world was a foolish one. When Orum questions him about the functionaries disobedience, Kalik tells him that they simply need a purpose, revolution will give them that purpose.
The Drashigs break through into the 1920's habitat and begin to attack the ship, just like the Plesiosaurus did. Daley takes care of one with a tommy gun and drives the rest off.
The Doctor meanwhile, unaware that Jo has been captured, uses the rope to go down the circuit shaft. and wanders out the machine onto the Inter Minor spaceport floor, where he promptly collapses with exhaustion. Just like the TARDIS, he grows back to normal size in moments and regains consciousness. He yells at Vorg, Shirna and the Tribunal for the use of the miniscope, which it turns out was won by Vorg in a poker game.
Things get worse when he sees that Jo is captured, but also the machine is steadily overheating and will kill everyone inside.
The Doctor is appalled that the Inter Minor tribunal intend to destroy all the creatures inside the scope, and is even disgusted when Vorg simply says he wants compensating for his "livestock". He defies them all by using equipment in his TARDIS to rig up a device to shrink him once more so he can go back inside and rescue Jo. He conscripts Vorg's help and tells him to press the big red button when he's got Jo and is ready to come back out.
As soon as the Doctor enters the machine however, the device stops working.
As Shirna and Vorg frantically try to repair the machine, Kalik and Orum sabotage the erradicator gun and release a small panel on the bottom of the miniscope so the Drashigs can escape.
Inside the machine, the Doctor goes back to the SS Bernice, evading the Drashigs on the way. He finds Jo and together, they race back through the circuitry, running away from the Drashigs as they go. Vorg hasn't brought them out though like the Doctor insisted and they end up collapsing under the heat of the machine malfunctioning.
Outside the miniscope, the Drashigs get free and return to their fearful height.
Kalik for all his planning, wasn't brave enough in the end and the Drashig's gobble him up!
Vorg (who as it happens is ex-army) manages to repair the erradicator and shoot the Drashig's down.
Once free of the threat, he manages to fix the Doctor's machine and both Jo and the Doctor are teleported back outside the miniscope, full size.
At the same time, all the "livestock" are similarly teleported back to their own time and place, just prior to the miniscope blowing up.
With the crisis averted, Pletrac gives Vorg heartfelt thanks, clearly noting that he's not the enemy. Vorg graciously accepts the thanks and immediately begins conning Pletrac with the three cups and a ball trick (or three shells and a yorrow seed in this case) in order for him and Shirna to earn enough credit bars to get off of Inter Minor.
The Doctor has a change of heart about Vorg, knowing that he is just a loveable scoundrel and it wasn't even his machine, so he isn't malicious. Shirna is a kind hearted person who's going along for the ride to keep him out of trouble.
Watching Vorg play his tricks, Jo jokes that he's going to end up as President at this rate. The Doctor smiles and they leave them to it, entering the TARDIS for another adventure.
- Knowing this was going to be a Bob Holmes script, Barry Letts decided that he'd Direct it (well, a Producer has to have some perks). He knew Holmes scripts were generally good and he wanted to have fun with it.
- The original title for this story was "Peep Show" but as you can imagine, it was felt to be a bit too rude for a kids show, so they changed it.
- Barry Letts did actually change the show's theme tune, but noone liked it so he changed it back. One episode did however go out with the new theme on it, but it was only shown in Australia.
- The name Drashigs is an anagram of dishrags, a term Robert Holmes used for the quality of the monsters on Doctor Who
- The production crew found an old boat that was in dock about to be cut up and sold for scrap, they had the run of the ship, so many of the SS Bernice scenes are on this ship
- There were a lot of nice things about the ship. The crew asked if they could take souveniers, which the Captain kindly agreed. Being an old navy officer however, Jon Pertwee could spot an heirloom when he saw one. he nicked the wheel which was worth a fortune. Barry Letts had to ask him to bring it back!
- The words Vorg speaks to the Doctor is actual carnival language. "Varda the Bona Palone" means "look at the pretty girl".
- This story has the first mention of the planet Metabilis III - remember that name because it's going to come up a lot this season.
- This is also the first story with Ian Marter who would go on to play Harry Sullivan a couple of years from now. He is a well loved and remembered actor by the fans of Doctor Who, not only for the great roles he brought to the show, but also because he had a love of writing and ended up writing quite a few of the target novels for the show
- You might also be wracking your brains to see why Pletrac is so familiar. If you strip off all that grey grease paint, you'll see that he is none other than the hapless Packer (see The Invasion).
What worked
- The scope and scale of the plot is great for a four-parter.
- This is one of the stories in Dr Who that is closest to the Who strips of the 80's with bonkers aliens races that are very camp. If you liked them, this is a pleasure to watch
- It has to be said...the Drashigs!
- The comedy timing is great
- A lot of the acting is surpiringly good as well, considering the stupid costumes and names
- The SS Bernice scenes are all really good locations and props
- The stupid costumes and names
- Vorg and Shirna's costumes need mentioning twice because they're just.... awful!
- The functionaries masks
- The circuit sets are a bit tacky.
Overall Feelings
Okay, I'll admit it. I've watched this story one or two times before, but never intensely. If you watch this story casually, then you will probably, like I did, make the wrong assumption about it. I don't blame you because it's hard to get past the deely boppers, fluffy balls, gawdy coloured rings on jackets and stupid bowler hats. It's equally difficult taking your mind to a place where you don't see the bald caps, grease paint and rubbish masks of the Inter Minor races. Even if you don't get past all that, you'll come away thinking that it's "alright" because you will see between the glam rock flash of spectacle something interesting.
On it's own, the scope plot is different. Katy Manning and Jon Pertwee do a pretty good job of convincing you there's danger, and the first time the scene on the Bernice is repeated, it's a little spooky, like we've stepped into the twilight zone.
If you take a deep breath and let your imagination enhance the story however, consider that this is a spaceport on a huge planet that has been socially isolated like Japan for god knows how long. We soon see that these are all independent races with history and culture all their own. The fact that humans are called Tellurian's gives you more depth. The sub-plot of assassination, the interaction and subtle romance thread of Andrews and Claire. It's interesting, but only if you pay attention.
Then there's the Drashigs. Apart from the rather silly looking bobbly eyes on the top of their heads, the Drashigs look scary. Those are fox terrier teeth - real teeth! and the noise. I suggest you turn your TV up very, very loud and play the scene with the Drashigs breaking through the miniscope and close your eyes. Imagine that noise is those things twenty feet high and coming after you and tell me you're not scared!
So, is it all brill? No. Not all. The scenes with the tribunal milling about get tedious after a while because it feels that this isn't official procedure in a real airport, and the costumes, the costumes are beyond ridiculous.
9 out of 10
Rewatchability Factor
7 out of 10
- Galaxy Four
- The Five Doctors
- Terror of the Vervoids (Trial of a Timelord Part 3)
- The Ribos Operation (The Key to Time Part 1)
- The Rings of Akhaten (Doctor Who, Series 7)
- 80's Doctor Who Comic Strips
Consulting the Matrix
What races would you like to see in the miniscope?
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