Four episodes
Aired between 25th October 1980 and 15th November 1980
Written by Andrew Smith
Produced by John Nathan-Turner
Directed by Peter Grimwade
Romana is upset that she has to return to Gallifrey.
The Doctor seems to sympathise, but he knows it's impossible to refuse the call. On their way, they luckily pass through a Charged Vacuum Embodiment (C.V.E. or in other words, a rift in space). This event takes them to another dimension that they refer to as Exo-Space or E-Space.
At first, The Doctor and Romana don't realise what's happened, and they think the TARDIS is faulty when they supposedly land on Gallifrey, but the area outside is a wooded clearing.
They begin to trouble shoot the problem, when a young boy called Adric barges into the TARDIS and collapses.
They learn that Adric is one of the descendants of a colony crew that crash landed here thousands of years ago.
They are ruled by a council of three men called the deciders, and they are periodically trapped inside the ship when toxic mists descend on the planet. Adric's brother and some of his friends have rebelled against society and hide in a cave nearby. They were goading Adric into helping them steal fruit from the community (Adric's a nerd who has a badge for mathematical excellence). Adric was caught by one of the Deciders who was in the market, but before he could be taken in, the Decider was dragged into the marsh by some humanoids. His final words to Adric were that they had come "full circle".
The mistfall is upon the planet again, and Adric gets the Doctor and Romana to try and help him get his brother and friends to safety.
The Doctor gets to the colony ship and starts to investigate, as he finds the fact that the deciders have been lying to the colonists - the mists are perfectly fine. The monsters (marsh men) rise up out of the swamp and make their way onto land.
One of them gets into the colony ship and is captured. The Doctor tries to stop the colonists from dissecting the marsh man up, but it gets free, kills the surgeon and itself.
As the Doctor is messing about, Romana and Adric stay in the TARDIS. The Marsh Men come along and take it on their backs to a cave above the starliner (the colonist's crashed ship). They intend to use it as a battering ram.
The Marsh Men are scared off and Romana goes outside to find out why. They meet Adric's brother and his friends and they find some fruit that has strange spiders in it.
The kids run into the TARDIS as they swarm against them, but Romana gets bitten and possessed.
She turns into an ally of the Marsh Men and starts to direct them. Adric and the kids meanwhile manage to haphazardly pilot their way to the starliner.
Ultimately, the Marsh Men, led by Romana attack the starliner.
The Doctor figures out that the Marsh Men are actually ancestors of the humans living there (they killed the original colonists). Romana is captured and injected with a serum devised by the Doctor and he cures her. The Marsh Men are driven out of the star liner when the colonists discover that the marsh men don't like pure oxygen (they use cylinders to drive them out). Adric's brother is killed in the attempt.
The Doctor gives the deciders knowledge on how to pilot their star liner and he goes off again with Romana in the TARDIS.
- This story was written by a fan who'd read a Doctor Who production book that was published with a "how to create a script" section at the back. He impressed Script Editor Christopher H Bidmead and he was brought in. After extensive work on the script, it was made
- The role of Adric was thought up by John Nathan-Turner, but didn't quite turn out how he wanted. The original concept was for him to be a sort of Artful Dodger character. The reality was much more a whiny brat than skilled pickpocket.
- The name Adric is derived from eminent physicist P A M Dirac.
- By this time, Tom Baker and Llala Wards relationship was worse for wear. Guest stars recollect that they would be at opposite ends of the rehearsal room, screaming and shouting at one another
The Review
The first thing fans comment on when they discuss this story is that it was written by a genuine fan. I think because of that, a lot of people try to look for things to like about it, effectively giving it a "pass" because if it's bad, there's a fear of the "I'd like to see you do better", especially when you realise that the fan in question was nineteen at the time. I'm not immune to those feelings, but as much as I want to like it, I just can't. Why not? Because to me, it's very, very boring.
I know some people will say "hold on, there's a lot of science in there and fascinating stuff about evolution". Yep, I'll give you that, there is. But it's just not covered in an interesting way for me. I'm not even sure how I'd do it. Look, it's sort of like Day of the Daleks. The concept is pretty good, but you've to watch three quarters of it before you get to the point. And to add insult to injury, the whole thing is so wooden.
There's only two people in this entire story that show any kind of genuine pathos - one is the Doctor, and I don't mean Tom Baker. I'm talking about the surgeon that gets killed by the Marsh Man, the other is Login who has some compassion for his daughter being trapped outside. Everyone else is pretty bland. I didn't care about Adric's brother or his mates. Adric himself is totally unsympathetic, and even Tom Baker and Llala Ward are just plodding through it all.
The tension in the plot is built around the Marsh Men attacking, the mists killing people, and the spiders. Well, the spiders are laughable, the Marsh Men lumber about so slowly that they never feel like a threat at all, and there's absolutely no fear about the mists because we never get to build up anticipation that the Doctor's going to die when he come's into contact with them, I.e. the killer mist theory's immediately disproved and done in a very casual manner.
Sorry to all fans of this story, but despite the slightly interesting concept of long evolution, this story is booooorrrinng!
5 out of 10
Rewatchability Factor
4 out of 10
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