Four episodes
Aired between 3rd January 1976 and 24th January 1976
Written by Robin Bland
Produced by Phillip Hinchcliffe
Directed by Christopher Barry
It's a dark and stormy night on the planet of Karn. On the rocky, mountainous landscape, an injured Mutt creature crawls along, having just survived it's ship crashing.
It is unaware of a large hulking man who stalks behind it and kills the creature, beheading it.
The man, Condo, brings the head back to his master, who chastises Condo for the head is unsuitable for his needs.
Back out on the mountainside, the TARDIS materialises, and the Doctor emerges in a temper as he believes the Time Lords have taken control of his ship again and brought him here.
Although he doesn't know where "here" is, he can guess that it's only a couple of billion miles from Gallifrey. In a huff, he sits down and refuses to do the Time Lords dirty work.
Sarah Jane leaves him to sulk but doesn't go far before she sees a great plane containing dozens of crashed spaceships. Not long after, she finds the body of the Mutt.
The Doctor and Sarah don't realise they are being watched from afar by a woman in red robes. Her name is Ohica and she is part of the Sisterhood of Karn, a religious order that lives on this planet and guards the sacred flame, a strange fire set in a rock that produces an elixir of youth.
As Solon goes about his research, he catches Condo looking for the arm that he severed to save the lumbering man's life. He replaced it with a metal hook and promises to replace the arm, only when he's found Solon a suitable head for his experiments.
Ohica goes back to her temple and warns the head of their order, Maren about the Doctor's arrival.
Maren assumes that the Doctor has been sent by the Time Lords to find the secret of the elixir, but the sacred flame is currently burning at an all time low, and there's a real danger that the elixir will be no more.
The Doctor and Sarah Jane get caught in the outbreak of rain from the storm and are forced to look for shelter. They come across a great castle on the mountainside - the home of Condo and his master, Mehendri Solon.
They are unaware that before their arrival, Solon was cursing the desolate planet, and forsaking his chances of ever finding a human head. His eyes practically light up then when Condo answers the door to the Doctor. Solon becomes very attentive to them both and takes the Doctor's coat, pausing to remark on what a superb head the Doctor has. The Doctor quips that he's had several.
Once introductions are out of the way, Solon orders Condo to bring some wine. The Doctor recognises Solon and remarks that he was renown as a genius in organ and tissue transplantation before his reputation was ruined by the rumour that he'd joined the cult of Morbius - a criminal Time Lord that tried to overthrow the High Council. Solon assures the Doctor that it was all just jealousy on his accusers part, but it did force him to hide away on the desolate planet of Karn.
Back with the Sisterhood, Maren leads a ritual to scrye on the Doctor as she believes him to have gone to Solon's castle. Sure enough, she sees him there.
The Doctor recognises the Sisterhood of Karn's powers as a sudden great wind whips through the castle, blowing off a cover to a bust of a man that Solon had been working on. The Doctor examines the statue, saying that it looked familiar, believing it to be Morbius.
Unfortunately, he soon after discovers that his wine has been drugged and he falls unconscious. Sarah Jane pretends to be unconscious as she failed to drink the wine. She hears Solon excitedly announce that he finally has the head he wants and orders Condo to prepare the Doctor for an operation.
Condo obeys and takes the Doctor away.
Over at the Sisterhood, they perform another ritual, this time to teleport the TARDIS over to them so that the Doctor must come looking for it.
In Solon's castle, Condo is ordered to go and switch on the generator whilst Solon prepares the equipment. They leave the Doctor on the operating table whilst they do so. As they are gone, the Doctor is teleported over to the Sisterhood's temple by yet another ritual.
Sarah meanwhile, sneaks into the theatre, trying to find the Doctor, instead coming face to face with a headless monstrosity!
The Doctor regains consciousness only to find that he's going to be burned at the stake for trying to steal the elixir of youth. The Doctor admits that the Time Lords have used the elixir in the past to treat post-regenerative trauma, but that was always done with the Sisterhood's permission. He asks why this isn't the case now. Meran explains how the elixir is down to its last few drops and the Sisterhood have begun protecting it by psychically crashing any ships that come near Karn onto its surface.
Back at Solon's castle, Sarah just manages to escape and Solon finds the Doctor gone. He blames Condo for not using enough of the drug in the wine and comes up with a desperate plan to go to the Sisterhood where he believes the Doctor must be. They do indeed go to the temple and they find the Doctor tied to a stake with the sisters dancing around him with lit torches.
Solon pleads with Meran to release the Doctor or at least give him his head undamaged. He even offers up Condo to take the Doctor's place. It's no good however, Meran is adamant that the Doctor should die.
As they are quarreling, nobody sees Sarah Jane who's managed to slip into the temple disguised as one of the sisters. She give the doctor a tool to cut his bonds.
Solon and Condo are sent back to their castle, and the ritual commences again. The sisters set fire to the wood around the Doctor but the Doctor jumps over it, running away with Sarah Jane. Meran fires powers from her golden ring at Sarah as the race out of the door. Ohica demands that they race after them, but Meran cannot because the temple is the only thing sustaining her life now that the elixir is dangerously low.
Solon and Condo get back to the castle and Solon is feeling very down. Condo however is angry at Solon for offering up his life and threatens to kill Solon and can only be calmed down by Solon agreeing to give Condo's arm back to him. He sends Condo to prepare the lab whilst he gets ready.
Once Condo has gone, Solon goes to speak to his master, who berates Solon for his failed plan to free him.
Out in the wastes, the Doctor and Sarah regroup, but Sarah says the ring blinded her. The Doctor is forced to turn to Solon for help.
Solon agrees, and gives Sarah an eye exam. He tells the Doctor that the elixir of life is the only thing that can save her eyes as the retina's are completely burned out.
The Doctor goes back to the temple alone. Solon sees a chance to get the Doctor's head and sends Condo over to the temple with a note, offering them a deal.
As Sarah is sat blinded in the main room, she hears a voice yelling for Solon. She feels her way into a basement room, trying to find the source of the voice and she discovers that it is Morbius - thankfully, she's too blind to see that Morbius is nothing but a brain in a jar!
Solon finds Sarah in the room and rushes her out, but Morbius demands to speak with Solon and he's forced to abandon her outside and attend to his master. She overhears them discussing using the Doctor to attach his head to the monster and transfer Morbius' brain into it to make him into a living person once more and allowing him to wreak revenge on the Time Lords.
Thinking fast, Sarah locks Solon in the room and wanders off blindly to find the door.
Meanwhile, the Doctor is captured once more by the Sisters and brought before Maren.
After explaining about Sarah's blindness, he is told it is only temporary and he's been duped after all. He warns Maren that Solon is trying to resurrect Morbius but she's adamant that she saw Morbius obliterated personally.
The Doctor convinces Maren to let him convince her he means no harm by having a look at the sacred flame. If he can't fix it, it is dying anyway, and if he can...well, that must mean he's there to help not hinder the Sisterhood. Maren is suspicious but allows him to look at the flame.
He drops a firecracker into the flame. The resulting bang dislodges soot that's built up and allows the flame to come back strong again.
Condo makes his way back to Solon's castle now that he's delivered the letter. He finds Solon trapped in the room.
A furious Solon orders Condo to go and get Sarah before she can reach the temple. He finds her but takes pity on her, finding her beautiful. He takes her back instead of killing her.
In the ensuing argument between her and Solon, Sarah happens to mention that the Doctor is a Time Lord. Morbius hears this and goes nuts. He's convinced the Time Lords are here to destroy him and demands that Solon transplants his brain right now, using a glass bowl that was designed as a temporary housing for the brain.
Solon does as he's commanded although he's far from pleased at performing the high-risk operation. He ties Sarah up and gets Condo to prep the theatre.
As the operation is about to get underway however, Condo realises that the humanoid arm of the monster is his own arm that was taken from him.
He loses his cool and topples the glass tank holding Morbius' brain, causing it to splat on the floor. Solon is beside himself with rage and shoots Condo multiple times as his servant tries to attack him.
Left with no other option, Solon unties Sarah Jane and forces her to assist him with the operation, fearing that Condo's clumsiness could have caused untold brain damage to Morbius.
Meanwhile, the Doctor comes up with a plan with the help of Maran. He pretends to be dead and the sisters take him to the castle and leave him there. Once the operation is complete, Solon finds the Doctor on the floor, supposedly dead and remarks on the irony of rushing the operation.
Sarah is now left to her own devices and her sight is finally coming back to her. She turns around just in time to see the monster that is now Morbius, arising from the table.
Solon hears her scream and rushes to find Morbius in an incoherent rage. He tells Sarah that only Morbius' primitive actions are linked up, not his higher thinking processes.
Morbius attacks Solon and knocks him unconscious.
He's about to get Sarah when a mortally wounded Condo shows up and does battle with the beast, ultimately losing and getting killed. Morbius finds a way out of the castle and wanders off onto the mountainside.
Sarah finds and wakens the Doctor. Together they revive Solon and convince him to work together with them to re-capture Morbius. Solon gets a tranquilizer gun and they go off to find the beast. They manage to subdue it, but only after it's found the Sisterhood and attacked them. They haul Morbius back to the castle and Solon says he's going to dismantle the beast, but as soon as he has a chance, he locks the Doctor and Sarah Jane away in a lab, allowing himself the chance to finish his work by fully connecting the brain.
The Doctor uses the chemicals around him to create cyanide. He wafts the gas through the ventilation system, killing Solon but it's too late. Morbius has been fully revived.
Morbius goes and confronts the Doctor, explaining that the creature Solon used for his lungs is impervious to the gas. With only one chance left, the Doctor challenges Morbius to mind wrestling. They use ancient Time Lord apparatus that belonged to Morbius and lock minds.
Mental images of past reincarnations appear on the screen as they fight, and the Doctor is driven to the edge of his sanity but ultimately, the Doctor wins.
There is a bang inside the brain case and Morbius reverts to his earlier savage self. He charges off back outside and is confronted by the Sisterhood of Karn, all bearing torches,. They hound him to the edge of a cliff and send him falling to his death hundreds of feet below.
The Doctor's battle with Morbius has left him on the brink of death, but he is saved by the final drops of the elixir of life.
Maran forsakes her renewed life by giving it to him. She passes on leadership of the Sisterhood to Ohica and disappears into the sacred flame as a spirit.
The Doctor now fully revived leads Sarah Jane into the TARDIS and leaves Ohica with a set of firecrackers. Ohica is unsure of the words on the side, so the Doctor from the door of the TARDIS tells her that they say "light the blue touch paper and stand well back".
The TARDIS dematerialises, leaving the Sisterhood with a new leader.
- Although it says that the story was written by Robin Bland, it's really just a pseudonym for Terrance Dicks who had returned to write this story
- Dick's original script was about a pilot who crashed his ship on Karn and his robot assistant was programmed to try and repair him, but ended up creating him as a Frankenstien's monster.
- Whilst Bob Holmes thought the script was good, it was obvious that the technology to create an effective robot wasn't possible in 1976 on Doctor Who's budget, so they needed to re-write. When Bob tried to find Terrence Dicks, he discovered that Dicks had gone off on holiday and so couldn't be contacted. That left one option, Bob Holmes had to re-write it himself. The result is what we see on screen.
- Terrence Dicks was furious when he heard the story had been changed and in a huff told Bob Holmes that he was willing to let the story stand, but it had changed so much he didn't want to have his name to it, he should use some bland pseudonym instead. Holmes took his advice literally, hence Robin Bland.
- Colin Fay who played Condo was an opera singer and this was his first break into acting
- The many faces seen on the monitor during the mind wrestling match are many of the production team, including Christopher Baker, Robert Holmes, Graeme Harper, Douglas Camfield, Philip Hinchcliffe, Robert Banks Stewart, George Gallaccio and Christopher Barry They were meant to be past incarnations of the Doctor, but fan lore rants against this, so many people explain them away as past incarnations of Morbius instead.
- I don't think you need me to tell you what gothic story this has been inspired by
What worked
- The darker lighting on this story woks very well
- The sheer calibre of acting is so good
What didn't work
- The stage produced sets make it look like there's only ten feet between the temple and Solon's castle
- The Sisterhood of Karn's dances
- That severed Mutt Head sounds very mechanical
Overall Feelings
Fan lore dictates that I must announce this story as one of the best (if not THE best) Doctor Who story there has ever been produced. I'm not going to argue that it's one of the better ones, but for me, it just falls slightly short of the mark.
First the good stuff. The primary thing being the acting. No, I'm not talking about Condo! I'm talking about all the tongue twisters and pathos that Phillip Madoc manages to put into Solon. He is amazing and we can't help but feel some level of sympathy with him. Similarly, Elisabeth Sladen gives one of the best performances of her life in this, making you fear for Sarah in the way she practically cry's on film at being blinded and how terrifying it all is for her to the point where it does add to the fear for you too. And let's not forget Tom Baker who's back with the odd one liner when needed and the serious pout to accentuate the threat that Morbius poses.
But... for all the amazing acting, my biggest problem with the story are the Sisterhood of Karn. They're annoying and no, it's not because they're women if that's what you're thinking! Their sacred flame adds little to the plot, and Maren is tiresome the way she just bull headedly refuses to believe any evidence that presents itself to her. Ohica looks comical the amount of times she widens her eyes at the end of each sentence and the women whispering "sacred fire, sacred flame" gets irritating. I get that they're supposed to be the representation of eastern european villagers, but I just can't abide them.
So, one of the best, definitely, but there's a lot of there and back again shenanigans going off and superfluous cults running around to make it a story I could watch again and again and again.
8 out of 10
Rewatchability Factor
6 out of 10
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