Four episodes
Aired between 1st September 1979 and 29th September 1979
Written by Terry Nation
Produced by Graham Williams
Directed by Ken Grieve
As the Doctor treats K9 for Laryngitis (*shrug*), Romana decides that she wants to regenerate. She "tries" multiple faces on before deciding to become the spitting image of Princess Astra (See The Armageddon Factor).
They land on Skaro and soon discover that the Daleks have returned to the site of the long-abandoned Kaled bunker and are using slaves to dig underground in order to find their creator, Davros.
An enemy race called the Movellans arrive, trying to work out the Daleks plans and stop them.
The Doctor and Romana team up with them and soon discover that the Movellans and Daleks are locked in an inter-stellar battle that's being going on for years. Their battle computers are so finely tuned that they anticipate each others moves and are now at a stalemate. The Daleks hope that by resurrecting Davros, he will be able to give them the edge in the war.
Whilst the Doctor works with the Movellans, he discovers that they are a race of robots and they too have ideas of galactic conquest.
In a pre-emptive strike, Davros sends suicide Daleks with bombs strapped to them so they can blow up the Movellan ship.
The Doctor foils this plan by blowing them up early.
The slaves rebel and storm the Movellan ship, shutting down all the robots except their leader, who is stopped from detonating a bomb at the last second by Romana.
Davros is imprisoned by the slaves on board the Movellan ship which they will use to get back to civilisation.
The Doctor and Romana will simply return to the TARDIS and have more adventures.
- Douglas Adams came on-board officially as Script editor. He wanted new and fresh writers, but as he asked around, it became obvious that a lot of people didn't know how to write well for Doctor Who. He reluctantly began to ask around old writers, and Terry Nation was one of them.
- This was the last story Terry Nation would write for Doctor Who and it's speculated that Douglas Adams had to do a lot of work to get it ready for broadcast.
- At the end of The Armageddon Factor, Mary Tamm jokingly said why not ask Lala Ward to step in. Graham Williams did and she slipped into Romana's shoes. Mary Tamm said later that she would have happily done a regeneration scene, but she was never asked.
- One of the costumes Romana changes into is Zilda from Robots of Death
- Romana's costume was designed to be identical to the Doctor's but in different colours.
- The actor who played Tyssan was partially deaf, but could lip read quite well
- This story was the first time ever that "Steady cam" rig was used in the BBC.
My feelings on The Destiny of the Daleks can be summed up in one short phrase: "....but the Dalek's aren't robots".
If you believe some of the guides I've read, then Douglas Adams' original ideas revolved around a planet of the dead (where the conversations about "Zombies" come in), but as you can see, he got Terry Nation and so he got to do a Dalek story. After the success of Genesis of the Daleks, this is no bad thing, but by this time even Terry Nation isn't clear on what's happening with the Daleks anymore and decides to throw all of his continuity out of the window by suggesting that the Daleks are robots.
"But, they don't say that, they even mention it's the battle computer that's the logical thinker"
Yes, but the Doctor and even Davros himself use the line, ANOTHER race of robots when referring to the Movellans. Davros talks about re-programming (could be genetic, but come on).
"Is it so bad?"
Yes, yes it is, because it undermines all the good work that's gone before. At the bottom line, any writer can introduce ANY concept they want to in a story, without even justifying it, but to do so pulls the viewer out of the rich world you've created and cheapens the integrity of the story. In other words it undermines all the sacrifices characters have made and the angst they went through.
There's no finer example of just that in Romana's regeneration. Why can she regenerate at will? If we accept that she can, then why are we even worried about the Doctor succeeding or losing at all. Don't worry, he can just will a regeneration up and he'll be fine. And they only get 13, so Romana's lost almost a quarter of her life, trying to find a face that suits her.
As a fan, you can't wish it away or pretend it didn't happen, you just have to endure it, much like this an abstract concept, two armies locked in an impasse vying for an edge is good. The Doctor visiting a world of "Zombies" is good. It's just all the continuity that gets in the way.
4 out of 10
Rewatchability Factor
4 out of 10
- The Dominators
- Genesis of the Daleks
- Resurrection of the Daleks