Four episodes
Aired between 19th April 1975 and 10th May 1975
Written by Gerry Davis
Produced by Phillip Hinchcliffe
Directed by Michael Bryant
The TARDIS Crew "drift" through time and space as they hold onto the Time Ring back to Space Station Nerva. It teleports them into the stations control room but for some reason, the TARDIS is gone. The Doctor doesn't seem too bothered though. He says it's drifting through time as they speak to catch up with the coordinates of the Time Ring and will show up eventually.
They leave the Time Ring on the console and it dematerialises back to the Time Lords (much to Harry's surprise).
The Doctor suggests they go to find Vira and see how they're getting on reviving the human race. When he opens the door however, a dead man's body slumps into the room. There's even more of them littering the outer ring corridor of the station,
None of them are dressed like the crew of the Nerva beacon, more like army uniforms. The Doctor begins to suspect that they're not quite in the time they left.
In the communications room, a member of the station staff called Warner, warns an approaching ship away from the beacon, claiming they're in quarantine. Warner is only one of the surviving crew. The Commander, Stevenson, is still alive, as is his second in command, Lester, and Professor Kellman, a Planetary Surveyor. Kellman acts scornful of their predicament, saying its impossible to keep the fifty man station going with three officers, but Stevenson and Lester disagree, their assignment is only three years to warn people off the new asteroid that's entered and is orbiting their solar system, at least until all the star charts are updated.
Down on the asteroid, in a deep, dark, cavern, an alien humanoid dressed in golden robes tries to use a radio to contact Nerva Beacon. He is captured by more of his own kind and the transmission is cut off.
Back on the beacon, Warner is puzzled. Professor Kellman enquires what's wrong and Warner explains. Kellman is sceptical that the signal could have come from the asteroid as he set up the transmat circle on the asteroid itself and has spent six months cataloguing all the caves there. There's no life.
Back in the corridors, the Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver to open a locked bulkhead door. as soon as he does so, a silent alarm is tripped and Stevenson ans Lester go to investigate, taking guns with them.
Meanwhile, on the asteroid, it becomes clear that the place is full of deep caverns and is home to a species of golden aliens called Vogans (the asteroid being called Voga). One of their leaders, Vorus, is speaking with his aide, Magrik, about the Vogan that tried to contact Nerva Beacon. Magrik explains that the Vogan was frightened of Vorus' plan. Vorus defends his plan and says it's brilliant.
He's clearly relying on a member of the Nerva Beacon crew to help them out in return for gold, something that is fantastically abundant on Voga. it seems that they are involved in something that is against the wishes of Cybermen which Vorus believes could have been listening in to the transmission the Vogan made.
Back on Nerva, Warner is attacked by a long metal snake and bitten. He falls to the floor ill, his veins throbbing with light. Shortly afterwards, Kellman enters and destroys the log Warner made of the contact from Voga.
Stevenson and Lester eventually catch up with the Doctor, Harry and Sarah as the explore and are astonished to find them as EVERYONE in that section of the station is dead. They obviously suspect them as saboteurs and hold them under arrest.
They take them back to the communications desk and find Warner infected by their "plague". Stevenson is prepared to shoot Warner but the Doctor thinks fast and lies, getting them to believe that they're a medical team that've been sent from Earth. He gets permission to look at Warner and see what he can do.
Kellman goes back to his quarters and spies on the party through an elaborate monitoring system hidden in a brush and other household objects. He watches as Stevenson explains the situation to the Doctor about a mysterious plague coming they believe from the asteroid - Voga. The Doctor remembers the name and it turns him on the right track.
He explains that Voga isn't an asteroid, it's a planet - a planet of gold, a place that played a significant part in the Cyber Wars. He investigates Warner and finds bite marks on him indicating that the Cybermen could be causing this virus.
Stevenson scoffs saying that the Cybermen all disappeared ages ago, but the Doctor is quick to point out that they're not extinct, and given their hatred of gold, revenge on Voga seems like a plausible goal.
Hearing all of this, Kellman makes contact with a Cyber-ship and explains that the crew are onto them.
Warner eventually succumbs to the infection and he dies. The Doctor says it's a shame he was too late spotting the bite, or he could've got him on the transmat to Voga and the gold flaked air might've affected the poison in some way.
There's only one lead left for him, and he goes to Kellman's quarters to find it. Kellman has left by this time, but the Doctor doesn't take long to find the brush device and a bag of gold dust. He hears Kellman returning and hides under the bed. Kellman enters and sees the brush out of place. He guesses the Doctor is somewhere inside the room and so sets a booby trap to electrocute the floor and leaves the room again.
Whilst the Doctor swings on cupboards and uses his scarf as a filter from the smoke, Sarah Jane is attacked by the silver mechanical snake.
The Doctor makes it out of the room and hears Sarah Jane screaming.
He rushes to her and pulls the snake off her, killing it with some of the gold dust found in Kellman's room. He's too late though, Sarah's neck is pulsing with light from the venom coursing through her.
The others turn up and the Doctor points to the snake telling them that's the cause of their plague. He takes Sarah to the transmat chamber and gives her to Harry. He tries to beam them down to Voga so that the surrounding gold will neutralise the toxin, but it turns out Kellman's taken the Pentallium drive from the beam machine.
As the Doctor works furiously to bypass the sabotage, Stevenson and Lester go to find Kellman.
Meanwhile, on Voga, Vorus sees a Cybership approaching Nerva beacon. He orders that his secret weapon, the Sky Striker missile, be armed in four hours.
The Doctor eventually succeeds in reparing the transmat and sends Harry down with Sarah who very quickly makes a remarkable recovery once the poison is filtered from her body.
Harry is delighted to find the cavern that they're standing in is littered with gold, but his joy is short-lived as they're soon captured by the Vogans.
They take the pair of them to Vorus who questions them about who is on board Nerva. Their brief interrogation is interrupted however by Councillor Tyrum who requests a meeting with Vorus.
Until he returns, Sarah and Harry are taken away to be locked up.
Lester and Stevenson eventually capture Kellman and bring him to the Doctor. The Doctor explains that he knows whats going on. He says that Kellman is working for the Cybermen to help them destroy Voga, because gold is the perfect non-corrosive metal that clogs up the Cybermen's breathing units and kills them. He suspects that the silver snake is a Cybermat and Kellman used it to kill everyone. He asks Kellman for the pentallium drive, as he can't retrieve Sarah and Harry without it. Kellman acts aloof and defiant until the Doctor uses a control found in Kellman's room to steer the re-activated Cybermat towards his prisoner. Kellman eventually cracks and gives the Doctor the drive.
Now imprisoned on Voga, Harry points out that the chains are solid gold - therefore soft metal. He and Sarah get to work smashing them open.
Vorus returns to his men. He tells Magrik to keep Tyrum from finding out about the Sky Striker missile and he orders Harry and Sarah to be killed.
Back in the jail cavern, Harry and Sarah break out of their gold chains and rush off, just before the guards come to get them. They're chased through caverns and tunnels until opposing Vogan troops arrive and force the execution squad to surrender.
On Nerva, the Doctor gets the transmat fully functioning again, but sees that Harry and Sarah Jane have left the transmat circle.
Lester sees a ship on their scanners but it refuses to answer their calls. The Doctor knows its a Cybership. He rushes to the airlock to try and find a way to stop them but can't. Lester and Stevenson fire at the Cybermen as they enter the ship, but are gunned down.
The Doctor is also shot in the back as he tries to sneak away. The Cyberleader (the guy in the black helmet) exclaims that the beacon is finally theirs.
Kellman comes face to face with the Cybermen. The Cyberleader tells him that he's only stunned the Doctor and the officers because he needs them as part of the plan to destroy Voga.
He instructs Kellman to re-calibrate the transmat to beam just short of a shaft that goes to the core of Voga. Kellman insists on going down to the planet to check the beam works properly. The Cyberleader agrees and beams Kellman down.
Little does the Cyberleader realise, but Kellman is actually a double agent. Once on Voga, he goes to find someone to try and get an audience with Vorus. Unfortunately, he didn't anticipate the civil war that's currently being waged between Vorus' guardians and Tyrum's militia. Kellman is captured by the Militia and is taken away as he tries to warn them of the Cyber-threat.
Now they're re-captured, Harry and Sarah are taken to Tyrum to explain Vorus' plan. Whilst they don't know his plan, they do explain about the Cybermat on Nerva. Tyrum understands that this means the Cybermen are coming.
Back on Nerva, the Doctor, Stevenson and Lester have revived. The Doctor tries to aggravate the Cyberleader in order to reveal his plans.
He questions what Kellman is getting out of it if Voga's gold is going to be destroyed and also points out that there's barely any of the Cybermen left following their near extinction in the "Cyberwars". The Cyberleader explains that there's enough parts on their ship to build an army of Cybermen, and Kellman asks only to rule this solar system when the Cybermen conquor it.
Given how dangerous all that gold on Voga is to the Cybermen, they strap Cyber-bombs onto the Doctor, Stevenson and Lester's backs. The Cyberleader explains that they're going to go down the shaft and plant the bombs. They're sensitive enough to explode if they're tampered with unless the code is entered to temporarily disarm them. Once the bombs are planted, they will have fourteen minutes or so to get out via the transmat before the planet blows. Their progress will be followed via radar.
With little option, the men are beamed down along with two Cybermen. Once down, they soon encounter the Vogan militia, but the Cybermen are more than a match for them. As the fighting rages, the Doctor and co. escape further into the tunnel. The Doctor explains to Stevenson and Lester that the Cyberleader in no way intends to let them live, but they've got to keep going as their progress is being monitored and the Cyberleader could remote detonate the bombs at any moment.
Tyrum hears of Kellman's capture and decides to speak to him. Kellman explains how he and Volrus came up with a plan to lure the Cybermen to the beacon and then blow it up with a rocket, thus wiping all the remaining Cybermen out and Voga could once again emerge from hiding.
Kellman urges them to use the Sky Striker. Believing the Doctor to still be on Nerva, Harry tells Sarah to get back up there and warn the Doctor whilst he tries to stop the rocket being fired.
Tyrum visits Vorus and arranges a ceasefire whilst they speak. Tyrum tells Vorus off for such a reckless plan to kill the Cybermen, but Vorus is convinced it can work. He shows them the Sky Striker rocket. Tyrum disagrees considering that the Cybermen are already on Voga. Harry says that they'll have to find another shaft down to the core of Voga and find a way to stop the Cybermen. Kellman agrees to help.
Sarah Jane transmats back to the Nerva beacon and overhears the Cybermen monitoring the Doctor's progress. The deeper the bomb group go into Voga, the more the radar signal is interrupted.
Back on Voga, the Doctor, Stevenson and Lester go deeper into the shaft but come across a wall of fallen rock. Harry and Kellman reach the same place from another shaft and begin messing with the rocks, causing a rockslide. Kellman is killed and the Doctor is knocked unconscious. Harry finds a way through and sees the Doctor lying unconscious on the floor. Not being aware of the consequence of removing the bomb harness, Harry begins doing just that! Luckily, Lester revives and stops him. When the Doctor comes to and realises what's happened he yells out amidst laughter that Harry is an imbecile.
Once he's fully recovered, the Doctor hypothesises that the gold on Voga will be interfering considerably with the Cybermen's radar. He makes a plan for Stevenson to continue so that a trace of the radar trail is shown, but the Doctor, Harry and Lester will go into the other shaft and lay an ambush for the approaching Cybermen.
As the silver monsters approach, the Doctor and Harry jump on them, trying to rub a handful of gold dust onto the Cybermen breathing units. In reality, the Cybermen are just too strong and force the Doctor and Harry to run for it. Lester drops down between the two Cybermen and releases his harness, thus detonating his Cyber-bomb taking out the Cybermen and killing himself in the process.
On Nerva, the Cyberleader gets concerned when the Cybermen fall out of contact. He orders the bombs to be detonated but Sarah Jane rushes in to stop them. All she accomplishes however is getting captured herself. The Cybermen push the button but there's no detonation.
Back on Voga, the Doctor has managed to get the detonation device from the dead Cybermen and stop the remote signal.
With this out of the way, they're able to unclip the bombs from themselves.
Knowing his plan has failed, the Cyberleader goes to a backup. He orders Sarah tied up on the station and loads it with more Cyber-bombs, with the intent to crash Nerva beacon into Voga.
The Doctor, Stevenson and Harry return to the Vogans just as Magrik announces to Vorus that the Sky Striker missile is ready.
The Doctor begs for 15 minutes to save Sarah. Vorus reluctantly agrees.
The Doctor gets back to Nerva, takes the Cybermat and loads it with gold dust. He sends it out to attack the Cybermen. it works on one of them but they're ultimately re-captured by the Cyberleader.
On Voga, Vorus grows too impatient as he sees the station begin to approach and orders the rocket fired. Tyrum stands against him and is forced to shoot Vorus.
Unfortunately, Vorus manages to launch it before he dies.
On Nerva, the Cyberleader orders the Doctor to tie himself and Sarah Jane up. The Cybermen finish loading the station with bombs and abandon it to its fate. Once they're gone, the Doctor reveals that he's tied the knots so they'll be easy to get undone (another trick learned from Harry Houdini). The Doctor uses the station controls to contact Voga and order them to steer the missile toward the escaping Cybership instead. They try their best and only just manage to pull it up in time. The missile hits the Cybership and blows the Cybermen to pieces.
There's still the small matter of Nerva being on a collision course with Voga however.
As the station drops nearer and nearer to the surface, the Doctor unlocks the gyro controls and pulls up just in time. The world is safe.
Harry is beamed on board the beacon and the TARDIS finally arrives, catching up in their space and time. The Doctor nips inside to make sure the controls don't cause the ship to dematerialise again as the companions catch their breaths. He comes back out a moment later and tells them to hurry up. He left a device with the Brigadier on Earth only to be used in emergencies and needless to say, it's sending out a distress from the Brigadier asking them to come back at once.
The Doctor leads his companions into the TARDIS and they set off once more, for Earth.
- This is the first Doctor Who story to feature the Cybermen as the bad guys since 1968.
- This was filmed before Genesis of the Daleks. Michael Wisher was cast as Davros because he was readily available, playing Vogan's in this story
- Carey Blyton did a lot of the music for this story and got the tone totally wrong.
- Wookey Hole was used for Voga. When the crew went down there they made fun of a local superstition of a stalagmite known as the "Witch of Wookey Hole". Shortly afterwards, a number of the crew became ill and Liz Sladen almost met a very bad accident
- That accident being that one of the mini speedboats they used went totally out of control and was about to go down a tunnel with a low ceiling. She dove off luckily.
- The guy who played Vorus also did the British dubbed voice for the irrepressible Monkey!
- Another Vogan (Tyrum) was Kevin Stoney aka, Tobias Vaughn and Mavic Chen! This was his final appearance in Doctor Who unfortunately
- Pay attention to the symbol on Vorus' costume. It will be popping up again somewhere very important
- This was the first ever Doctor Who story to be released by the BBC on VHS video
What worked
- The Cybermen looked better than they have done in the past, although the head guns were a bit daft
- Both Liz and Ian Marter play really good parts in this story and act it fairly well
- Tom Baker's line "who's the homicidal maniac" when the Doctor first meets Kellman is better than any other line in this story
- I liked the fact that was a number of crisis to deal with at the end, it kept the tension going
- Oh, and the throbbing veins were very well done
- The creation of the Cyberleader is the best thing about this story
What didn't work
- The Cybermat
- The entire scene with Kellmans room
- The Vogans looked awful
- The rolling asteroid ground looked awful too
- The Cybermen voice weren't so great. I preferred the more robotic versions
- The neck massage the Cyberleader gives the Doctor in Part 4
Overall feelings
So, everyone knows I'm not above liking a Doctor Who story with weak plot (Sea Devils being one of them). The Revenge of the Cybermen for me however, was just a step too far.
On one hand, there's the fact that the Cybermen go after destroying Voga (a travelling asteroid of gold) because...well we hate it and it's got gold on it. Fair enough, but it's not the only place in the universe to have gold, and there's people who are still alive that fought in the Cyberwars, so they know how devastating a "glitter gun" can be to a Cyberman. Even if they destroy the planet, there's no way they're ever going to rebuild an empire of Cybermen.
And that's just the silver ones. Look at the Vogans. How can Vorus not only hide a huge rocket on a relatively small asteroid for two years, and how can the rest of them fail to notice Kellman turning up to negotiate his plan? Rubbish.
There's a lot to dislike and not a lot to like on this one, but I guess ultimately, the reason why many would go against the Revenge of the Cybermen is because it's an epitomy of how far the Cybermen have strayed from their original purpose. Look back at the Tenth Planet. Ok it was crap, but the Cybermen were interesting! Now they don't even know what they are anymore to the point where Gerry Davis is inventing quirky flaws for the sake of it and that's a massive disappointment when one of the original writers put this together. They've lost their appeal and won't be back again for a few years and based on this story, that's a good thing.
3 out of 10
Rewatchability Factor
3 out of 10
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